Migrant Information Centre (MIC)
Job Victoria Mentor Service FAQs

      Is English your second language? Do you need help applying for work?

The Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne) (MIC) can assist you. MIC’s Job Victoria Mentor Service is a specialist service providing employment support to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds seeking support to connect with employment opportunities. We are here to help you become work-ready and find a job that suits you.

I am from a CALD Background and Looking for work, is there a service that can assist me?

The Migrant Information Centre Job Victoria Mentor Service is a specialist service providing employment support to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds seeking support to connect with employment opportunities. We are here to help you become work-ready and find a job that suits you.


Am I eligible for Jobs Victoria Mentor services?

You are eligible for Jobs Victoria Mentor services if you are:

  • an Australian citizen

  • a permanent resident

  • a temporary resident under Australia’s refugee and humanitarian program who hold visas with work entitlements

  • an asylum seeker with work entitlements

And you also need to:

  • have been unemployed for more than six months or more


  • are unemployed and at risk of long-term unemployment due to challenges when seeking employment, and you are not receiving enough support through other services.


For any enquiries please email the Job Mentor Team, reach us through our website or call:

Our Box Hill office 9285 4888

Our Ringwood office 9870 1351

 Other helpful links:

The Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne)



Jobs Victoria Employment Services
